[ 會員#30839 ] tony chan
病患者男 - 62歲
I have TMJ for many years and it is still not yet recover even I am treated by the Chiropractic Doctor. The treatment period between 2004 to 2006
I have TMJ for many years and it is still not yet recover even I am treated by the Chiropractic Doctor. The treatment period between 2004 to 2006
TM Joint is a dental condition usually treated by dental surgeons. However, in the SAR, dentists usually are better trained to tackle conditions within the mouth than over the jaw bone. You may try to consult dental surgeons from University clinic like Philips Dental Hospital.
On occasion, some orthopedic surgeon may be able to help control pain related to TM joints by symptomatic injection.
On occasion, some orthopedic surgeon may be able to help control pain related to TM joints by symptomatic injection.
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