[ 會員#17405 ] philipliu
腳跟痛(calcaneus pain)
I am a 22 years old guy suffering calcaneus pain for 2 years. At the beginning, I could stand for half an hour, but after that I started to feel pain in my heel especially calcaneus. Unfortunately, my situation is getting worse and worse and now I cannot even stand for 5 minutes without feeling pain and the pain is even spreading to my ankle. Even when I sit, I still feel uncomfortable for my both foot. I have visited different doctors and they just gave me some anti-inflammatory medicines and I tried many methods such as physiotherapy including ultra-sound wave, shock wave therapy and chinese 跌打針炙. I have done MRI as well, but it does not seem to indicate any reason. I would like to ask is there still any way to treat my pain. Is steriod injection a way worth to try?

Thank you very much!

Hi Philip, thanks for writing to us. I am sure after a long course of heel problem, you have already known the diagnosis of your problem is plantar fasciitis. You have gone through nearly all possible treatment of the problem, except for deep massage and steroid injection. I understand your frustration because I am also a patient with plantar fasciitis. I was lucky enough to have gotten well by just using silicon heel pads, which you may have already tried. My wife also had this problem and she was less lucky and she eventually have to be injected by me with steroid. She was able to go back to her duty the next day. Local steroid injection is safe over the heel pad. I have done many times for patients and most of them have been gratifying.
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